Marital Arguments
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Marriage and Money Matters
Money is the number one cause of both argument and divorce within a marriage. Learning to handle and talk about money will prevent financial matters disrupting your marital bliss.
You have most likely heard someone say at some point that money is the most common reason for marital arguments, resentment and divorce. Even if you and your spouse agreed to certain money guidelines before getting hitched, know that the stress of trying to make ends meet or shifting priorities can create serious problems between the two of you. There are certain steps you can take to prevent money woes from devouring your marriage, however.
Remember that communication is key. Talk about money. Lay out both of your financial goals, spending habits and disclose all personal debt. Don't let your maxed-out credit cards or your partner's student loan debt come between you two, but rather discuss them and decide together how to tackle them. Share your personal credit report, employee benefit packages and current savings and assets.
Set priorities. Discuss in detail where you would like to be in 10 years and how you would like your money to be spent. Would you like to have kids? A house? Travel? These can all be expensive endeavors, so it's important to be certain that your priorities are in sync.
Create a plan. Decide how you're going to go about paying off your debt and saving for major purchases. Discuss how finances will be handled. Will you have a joint account or separate accounts? Also be certain to decide who is responsible for handling what bills and write it down so that you don't forget. Dividing the burden between you to will not only make it easier, but ensure that both of you always have a sense of where you are financially.
Life is complicated enough. Don't let your money stresses interfere with your relationship. Instead, work together to tackle problems and help one another out whenever necessary. Making a commitment to handling finances together will not only prevent some nasty arguments, but make you feel a bit better about your situation.
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